Secure file exchange

Client instructions for Plante Moran Secure File Exchange (PMSFE)

Plante Moran has a new solution for sharing files securely with our clients. This solution allows clients to securely send attachments to Plante Moran staff, and likewise, for Plante Moran staff to send attachments securely to clients. This document provides the instructions needed to successfully use this service. If you need further assistance, please contact our Plante Moran Technology Services Team at 1.866.223.3123 and let them know you are using the Plante Moran Secure File Exchange solution.

Sending files to a Plante Moran staff member

Clients and other authorized parties can use our service to transfer files to a Plante Moran staff member. Clients do not need a PMSFE account to send files.

It is a good idea to let the Plante Moran staff member you are sending the files to know, so that they can expect the files and retrieve them timely. To send files do the following:

  1. Access the following URL:
  2. Access the Secure Upload section of the site
  3. Enter the e-mail address of the Plante Moran staff member that should receive the file
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions

Note: The subject line and body of the message are not encrypted. Please make sure that confidential information is not included in either of these areas.

Receiving files from a Plante Moran staff member

The Plante Moran staff member will prepare the file(s) for transfer. Once the transfer is posted to the secure site, you will be notified via e-mail that a file is available for you. The e-mail will contain instructions for you to follow to access the file transfer.

File deletion

Files are permanently deleted from the site eight hours after they have been downloaded, or ten days after they have been posted to the site if they are not retrieved. If you have not downloaded the files within the ten day timeframe, you will need to contact the Plante Moran staff member and have them repost the file.