Plante Moran Living Forward, LeadingAge Virginia, HJ Sims, and United Methodist Association were excited to host the 2022 Governance Webinars Series II. Sessions were held virtually January 13 and 27 and February 10 and 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Central).
The webinar recordings are available to view on demand.
Navigating Strategic Planning — January 13, 2022
This session will discuss the board’s role in strategic planning: what are the keys to ensuring a successful process and questions all boards should be asking in our new reality?
Dana Wollschlager, Practice Leaders & Partner, Plante Moran Living Forward and Melissa Andrews, President & CEO, LeadingAge Virginia
Strategic Planning Hot Topics — January 27, 2022
This session will address important topics to incorporate into strategic planning, such as your role in work force, living wages, future of nursing care, how culture drives operational outcomes, and technology categories that drive differentiation and adds value.
Greg Hensley, Senior Vice President, Plante Moran Living Forward and Melissa Andrews, President & CEO, LeadingAge Virginia
Governance Through Transitions — February 10, 2022
In this dynamic time of change for nonprofit organizations, leadership and governing boards must ready themselves for leadership and landscape changes that will impact their organizations. The fast pace of change dictates that boards and leadership have ongoing frank conversations about succession planning, partnerships, organizational structure, and how best to work together.
Greg Hensley, Senior Vice President, Plante Moran Living Forward and Tom Bowden, VP, HJ Sims
Cultivating Diversity in Nonprofit Board Rooms — February 24, 2022
Diversity of expertise, experience, and perspective on nonprofit boards can strengthen an organization's ability to make good decisions and to plan for the future. Strategic work including transparency, culture, and curiosity to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion is a renewed priority for organizations seeking sustainability and improved overall performance. This session will focus on the deep, critical, and intentional work that boards can take to develop a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive board that reflects the community served.
Mary Kemper, President & CEO, United Methodist Association of Health & Welfare Ministries, Boris Henderson, Chief Strategy Officer, Aldersgate Life Plan Services, and Melinda Jordan Payne, Retired