The disruption caused by COVID-19 has left many senior living providers wondering how to adapt their spaces for the future.
To uncover some answers, Building Design + Construction’s Senior Editor John Caulfield interviewed Dana Wollschlager, partner and practice leader of senior living development consulting firm Plante Moran Living Forward, and Alexis Denton, associate principal with Perkins Eastman. Together, these experts offered keen insight into the latest trends and innovations in the senior living building sector.
Watch the interview to find out their thoughts on:
- The impact of COVID-19 on future resident expectations
- How physical spaces can support programming and social engagement
- Affordability concerns and nuances around à la carte pricing
- Priorities for future planning and strategic growth
- Asset repositioning and development
- Reinvestment in assets and technology
- Acquisitions, joint ventures, and alternative forms of “growth”