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CapEx planning & asset repositioning as a result of COVID-19

Thursday, November 5, 2020
In the third of a senior living webinar series, the presenters focus on best practices specific to common area usage, the dining experience, long-term care and the household model, and technology infrastructure to successfully reposition during COVID-19.
Two seniors walking down a senior living community lane holding out 2 umbrellas to stay 6 feet apart because if COVID

Part 3 of the LeadingAge COVID-19 Sentiment Report Webinar Series

The COVID-19 Senior Living Sentiment Survey initiated by Plante Moran Living Forward and Retirement Dynamics cultivated a tremendous amount of data that senior living providers can leverage to enhance the resident experience. It also generated information that providers can use as part of their overall strategic plan, capex planning, and any asset repositioning they may be considering.

In the third of four webinars hosted by LeadingAge Illinois and LeadingAge Virginia, this webinar focuses on the results of the report specific to common area usage, the dining experience, long-term care and the household model, and technology infrastructure. Presenters will share industry best practices, client examples of how other providers are repositioning their communities based on what we now know about COVID-19, as well as how providers are thinking long term and incorporating this information into their overall strategic plan for the future.

Learning objectives:


Check out the other webinars in the series:

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