I provide assurance, tax, and consulting services to insurance organizations. While many of my clients are publicly traded companies within our SEC practice, I have a wide variety of other clients such as property and casualty insurance companies, health insurance companies, as well as risk retention pools, and insurance agencies.
My clients appreciate that I’m responsive to their needs and take an interest in understanding their businesses, goals, and finding solutions to their needs. They view me as a trusted advisor due to my strong technical skills, industry knowledge, and ability to connect on a personal level. Around the office, I’m known for being a strong technical resource and someone who can help get to the bottom of an issue, no matter the circumstance or deadline.
With more than 10 years’ experience, I’m proud to have helped grow our firm’s SEC insurance practice. I frequently speak to clients, their boards, and at industry conferences about new and upcoming accounting pronouncements, industry regulations and current trends. I belong to the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association (IASA), AICPA, and MICPA. I earned my B.S. in business administration with a major in accounting from Central Michigan University.
My wife, Dana, and I have three young children. When I’m not working, I spend as much time with them as I can. My family and I love to travel and spend time outdoors. When I’m not with my kids, I enjoy staying active and golfing.