Digital transformation

Digital transformation is a journey, not a destination

Digital transformation seems to be on everyone’s mind. Stakeholders want it, customers expect it, and talent seems to follow it. But what is digital transformation? It may be easiest to start with what it’s not: digital transformation isn’t a single technology change that can solve all challenges. While any step taken toward digital transformation is progress, it’s not enough to simply purchase a new technology and stop there. It requires a culture change and fundamental shift in mindset that prioritizes clearly defined goals, organizationwide embracement, and a sustained commitment to change — but the rewards are worth it.

Digital transformation offers tremendous opportunities to drive growth and profitability, but your organization’s digital transformation goals need to be explicitly defined and resources aligned first. Developing specific use cases, outcomes, and progress measures are enablers for success. What digital transformation means to you is highly dependent on your unique needs and to what degree your previous technology investments have been focused on when implementing a tool or creating new business value enabled by changes in technology. One organization may prioritize the benefits of process automation while another may focus on the power of analytics to support more data-driven decision-making. However, both must be approached as a business initiative to be supported by technology, not an IT project, to achieve the desired value. Otherwise, you may find yourself spending a lot of time and money on expensive technology with no meaningful advancement or value creation.

Our industry experts work with your senior leadership to help you identify the areas in which digital transformation would be most beneficial and build a manageable, impactful roadmap to accomplish it. We’ll work together to develop a digital transformation strategy that’s flexible, scalable, and engineered to help your organization adopt a culture of digital innovation. Technology continues to evolve, and your organization needs to be structured to harness it. Let us help you get there — explore the insights below and see how we’ll position you for success on your digital transformation journey.

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Your guides for digital transformation

Our experts are here to help as you embark on the digital transformation journey with practical, change-centric expertise. With our help, you’ll be empowered to integrate innovation into every aspect of your technology, processes, and, most importantly, your people. If your people aren’t on board, your technology change won’t last.

Doug Hockenbrocht, information technology consulting partner, says it best: “We may be IT consultants by title, but we encourage clients to view us as operational improvement consultants leveraging enabling technologies. We’re not just helping the organizations; we’re also helping the individuals who have stressful jobs with long hours because of inefficient tools and systems. When those people hug our team members or send handwritten notes thanking us for improving their jobs, that’s very satisfying.”

Kyle Macyda, a principal in our public sector information technology practice, describes the importance and reliance we all have on digital transformation in governmental entities: “We all rely on the public sector to provide us with the utilities, infrastructure, and public safety services we need to function in our day-to-day lives. But these organizations are constantly asked to do more with less, so I take great pride in being able to provide the kind of technology support and guidance they need to alleviate these constraints and enable them to better serve their constituents. When I help my clients, I know I’m also helping my family, friends, and greater community to lead better, more enriched lives.”