Professional photo of Josh Yde.

People are surprised to learn of my love for Legos. My wife and I build together, and my brother and I periodically have a “Lego weekend” in the way some folks have a “golf weekend.”
Josh Yde
Principal, CPA


As an audit principal working primarily with governmental entities, as well as the technical lead for indirect cost rate audits, I navigate the intricate world of compliance within the public sector and professional services industry, empowering local units of government with financial insights and helping them find efficient solutions to complex problems.

My clients appreciate my advice based on my 10-plus years of industry experience. At the office, I’m recognized for my dedication to our firm’s culture and my commitment to fostering well-rounded professionals skilled in their field and in effectively managing work-life balance.

I’ve spoken to the Colorado Government Finance Officers Association on new standards and the Michigan Association of CPAs and the America Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials on risk assessment, and I frequently speak with city councils. I received my B.S. in mathematics and history from the University of Wisconsin and a M.Acc. from the University of Michigan.

In my free time, I love going on adventures with my wife, including hiking national parks, climbing a “14er” in Colorado, finding ridiculous dining experiences, and seeing the word. I also brew beer and enjoy reading comic books, sci-fi, and fantasy.