Webinar FAQ

Frequently asked CPE questions

How can I receive CPE credit?

Plante Moran only offers CPE credit for its live webinars (archived webinars are not eligible for CPE). You must meet the following criteria to be eligible for CPE:

In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour. A participant must have an accrued viewing time of at least 50 minutes to qualify for the first credit of CPE. Viewing time less than 50 minutes will not qualify for CPE. (Accrued viewing time is calculated during the live webcast – logging into the platform early or staying connected after the webinar has concluded, does not count toward the accrued time.) Plante Moran will use one of two types of methods to track participation: Participants will either be presented with a polling question where a response is required or a “pop up” that must be clicked on to verify participation. These participation trackers will be presented to participants at random intervals (typically every 10-15 minutes). Participants must respond to a minimum of three polling questions per 1 CPE (50 minutes) to be eligible for CPE. (Please note, pop-up blockers must be disabled for participation tracking to function properly. Be sure to test your system prior to the webinar and disable pop-up blockers.)

Can I recieve CPE if I lost connection and reconnected during the live webinar?

If you meet the eligibility requirements stated above (have an accrued viewing time of at least 50 minutes and respond to a minimum of 3 polling questions per 1 CPE (50 minutes), then YES, you will receive CPE. However, as a NASBA CPE Registry Sponsor we must ensure that our webinars follow the guidelines provided by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. Due to these strict guidelines, Plante Moran cannot issue CPE if the eligibility requirements are not met, even if technical difficulties were the cause of ineligibility.

Can I use the Q&A section to respond to polls and still receive CPE?

You must respond to polling questions and participation tracking pop-ups by clicking on the designated box or typing in the polling question “answer” box. We cannot count responses submitted through the Q&A section toward the participation tracking requirement. It’s important that participants respond to polling questions and participation tracking as directed to ensure CPE.

Can I receive CPE by listening to the audio portion of the webinar over the telephone?
To receive CPE, you need to be logged into the webinar, which will allow you to view the presentation and respond to participation tracking. Even if you listen to the audio portion of the webinar over a phone line, you will still need to meet the eligibility requirements (have an accrued viewing time of at least 50 minutes and respond to a minimum of 3 polling questions per 1 CPE credit (50 minutes), to receive CPE.
Can I receive CPE for watching an archived webinar?
No. Plante Moran can only offer CPE for eligible participation in live webinars.
Can I receive CPE if I watch the webinar in a group setting?
No. To receive CPE credit, you need to be logged in individually to the webinar and meet the eligibility requirements (have an accrued viewing time of at least 50 minutes and respond to a minimum of 3 polling questions per 1 CPE credit (50 minutes), to receive CPE. Only attendees who are logged into the webinar will be eligible to earn CPE credit.
How can I get my CPE certificate?
Following are instructions for printing out your CPE certificate:
  1. Go to webinars.plantemoran.com
  2. Click on the webinar you attended > access the webinar via your email
  3. Click on the Earn certification tool (located in the 'Engagement Tools' dropdown in the top right of your screen.)
  4. Print CPE certificate
Who do I contact if I’m having technical problems with the webinar?
For technical assistance, please email us at: webinars@plantemoran.com

Contact Information

If you have concerns or would like information regarding CPE credit, contact us at webinars@plantemoran.com, or 248-223-3371.

Plante Moran is registered with the National Association of State Boards ofAccountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education onthe National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy havefinal authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to theNational Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org.