Staying informed about the latest updates that may affect federal grants is crucial for your organization. Our experts will explore key takeaways from the 2024 revisions to the Uniform Guidance and how this could impact grant administration and upcoming single audits.

Join us for an overview of the revisions made in 2024 to Uniform Guidance, and how those changes might impact grant administration and upcoming single audits. Our overview will provide key highlights, questions to ask, and resources for identifying changes to the grant management process in order to maintain compliance. Some of these revisions are effective based on when funding agencies adopted the revisions and could impact existing awards or only new awards received on or after a certain date. Our single audit experts will also cover how to identify which set of rules apply.
At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
- Summarize the 2024 revisions made to Uniform Guidance, including changes to administrative and cost principles sections, as well as audit requirements.
- Understand the effective date to implement the revisions.
- Evaluate the impact of these revisions to their organization.