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Senate passes COVID-19 Bill: Picture of capital building with flag

Senate passes COVID-19 bill; reconciliation with House bill to begin

March 6, 2021 / 4 min read

On March 6, 2021 the Senate passed its version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The House and Senate versions of the bill differ in several respects and must be reconciled into a final bill. Here are some initial reactions.

On March 6, 2021, the Senate passed its version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This occurred just over a week after the House of Representatives first passed its version of the bill. The House and Senate versions differ in several respects, which must now be reconciled into a final bill. As we wait for the final legislation to take shape, here are some initial reactions.

Recent developments in Congress

On Feb. 27, 2021, the House of Representatives initially passed the American Rescue Plan. That bill included key programs for businesses and individual taxpayers. The business programs included modifications to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), expansion of employer payroll tax credits, and creation of new restaurant revitalization grants, among other things. For individual taxpayers, the bill provided direct payments (recovery rebates) and expanded the child tax credit, earned income tax credit, and child and dependent care tax credit. That bill also included a wide variety of provisions, such as funding for state and local governments, extension of unemployment benefits, expansion of Medicaid coverage, and rental assistance funding for qualified households.

The Senate began deliberation during the week of March 1, 2021, and several types of modifications have been considered. Some changes were first required under procedural rules in the Senate. For example, a provision in the House bill to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 was disallowed by the Senate Parliamentarian. Individual senators then offered perspectives on other amendments to the American Rescue Plan. Given the slim majority of the Democratic party in the Senate, individual senators had significant opportunities to influence the final legislation.

What’s in the Senate bill?

The vast majority of programs within the Senate version of the American Rescue Plan mirror those of the House version. However, the Senate version has scaled down some of the programs and made other alterations. Here are a few key changes.

Changes to rules for businesses

Changes to rules for individuals

Both the House and Senate versions of the American Rescue Plan would provide direct benefits to individuals through a combination of recovery rebate payments, expanded tax credits, and extension of unemployment benefits. However, the Senate bill includes three key changes: 

What’s next?

The differences between the House and Senate versions of the American Rescue Plan will now need to be reconciled into a final bill. That process could be completed within a few days or could take additional time depending on the status of negotiations. However, it’s expected that the American Rescue Plan will be finalized in the short term.

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