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Community Reinvestment Act & Section 1071: Adapting to change in 2024

March 18, 2024 / 4 min read

With updates to the Community Reinvestment Act and expected Section 1071 implementation of small business loan data collection, financial institutions should act now to prepare for complex changes. We share key steps to consider.

This year brought two important regulatory developments: small business lending data collection requirements under Section 1071 and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) reform. While these regulatory updates were announced in 2023, the steps required to comply will keep financial institutions busy in 2024 and beyond.

As you continue your institution’s 2024 compliance action planning, we share key considerations and suggested next steps for staying current with CRA and Sec. 1071 developments.

Small business data collection and Sec. 1071 implementation

In October 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued a nationwide injunction prohibiting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from implementing and enforcing its small business lending data collection rule. This means financial institutions aren’t required to comply with the rule until further notice.

So, what happens next? Financial institutions, regulators, and other interested parties will be required to wait until the U.S. Supreme Court reviews the legal arguments surrounding the injunction and makes a ruling. While the case was brought before the Court in October 2023, justices are expected to issue a ruling in June 2024.

Navigating this uncertainty is frustrating for many compliance professionals, but steps should still be taken in the first six months of 2024 to continue to prepare for 1071 implementation. Prudent planning actions include:

While it could be tempting to put 1071 implementation plans on hold until a verdict is received in June, moving forward with your planning in the meantime helps ensure your institution will be ready to comply once the regulatory dust settles later in 2024.

Steps should still be taken in the first six months of 2024 to continue to prepare for 1071 implementation.

CRA reform

In October 2023, regulators released the final rule designed to modernize the CRA. The final rule takes effect on April 1, 2024, with staggered compliance dates of Jan. 1, 2026, and Jan. 1, 2027. The updates to the CRA rules are complex and far-reaching, impacting everything from the number and type of performance tests institutions will be subject to in future CRA exams to asset size thresholds for the rule.

Much like your institution’s small business data collection efforts, the key to complying with the reformed CRA regulation is to understand the timeline for compliance and make a comprehensive implementation plan.

The key to complying with the reformed CRA regulation is to understand the timeline for compliance and make a comprehensive implementation plan.

Key considerations should include:

Whether working through Sec. 1071 small business data collection or understanding the revised CRA regulation, plan ahead; the changes are complex. Make sure you engage experts you trust to provide the support and expertise you need to successfully comply.

Whether working through Sec. 1071 small business data collection or understanding the revised CRA regulation, plan ahead; the changes are complex.

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