This one-hour webinar will introduce plan sponsors to their general fiduciary responsibilities. It will highlight hazards and practical considerations for plan sponsors in their fiduciary roles, including the roles of administrator and trustee. Finally, it will review certain key fiduciary issues that employers face with respect to their qualified retirement plans, including investment- and fee-related topics.
Learning objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants will recognize:
- Who is a fiduciary under ERISA
- The general fiduciary requirements under ERISA
- What fiduciary duties can be discharged to others
- Common fiduciary issues and best practices
- Laura Taylor, Lead Technical Benefit Plan Reporting Consultant and Retirement Plan/Benefit Plan Governmental Disclosure Experts Employee Benefit Consulting
- Michelle Bolofer, Technical Consultant, Employee Benefit Consulting
- Michael Krucker, Senior Technical Consultant and Retirement Plan Expert, Employee Benefit Consulting
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