If you’ve ever received an audit letter from a taxing authority, then you understand the emotions that accompany it: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and, ultimately, acceptance. Our team of tax controversy specialists can guide you through the investigation, negotiation, and resolution process as well as prescribe a number of practical remedies to preempt receiving a letter. Hint: it starts with a solid compliance plan and transparency on the positions taken in your tax return as well as an understanding of the current enforcement penalties for various taxing authorities.
Learning objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:- Communicate the red flags that are more likely to attract the attention of the enforcement agencies for international, federal, and state & local tax positions
- Explain the recent changes in policy and procedures within the various government audit departments
- Define the organization structure and options that taxpayers have at their disposal to resolve audit situations
- Articulate various techniques to minimize audit cost and exposure
- Mike Merkel, State and Local Tax Partner
- Emily Murphy, National Tax Office Associate
- Chuck Marchand, Tax Controversy Practice Leader