View our on-demand sessions from Plante Moran’s tax, audit, and accounting team as they presented important year-end updates during a two-day webinar series.
Individual tax planning during a year of continued uncertainty: Our expert panelists will provide clarity and focus on the year-end tax-planning process and discuss the use and timing of deductions, exemptions, and rates in 2021 and beyond.
Speakers include:
- Jodi Grant, partner, tax
- Mandy Chardoul, partner, wealth management
- James Minutolo, partner, National Tax Office
- Samuel Ysusi, partner, wealth management
Business tax planning during a year of continued uncertainty:To help your business strategize year-end tax planning, our experts will walk through the international, state and local tax-planning items, and tax credit changes.
Speakers include:
- Jodi Grant, partner, tax
- Austen Calcote, manager, international tax
- Ryan Defer, principal, National Tax Office
- Adam Garn, senior manager, state and local tax
- Nick Thomsen, manager, tax solutions group
Accounting and audit update: Our experts will cover the key aspects of implementing the new FASB lease standard, accounting for government grants, and ongoing accounting and internal control impacts of the continued hybrid/remote workforce environment.
Speakers include:
- Brett Lawson, senior manager, assurance
- Curt Hurd, principal, assurance
- David Grubb, partner, assurance
Hot topics for sponsors of benefit plans: Covering the hot topics impacting plan sponsors of benefit plans, our experts will discuss the key aspects of SAS 136 and what plan sponsors can expect. We’ll also walk through recent regulatory updates and the impact of recent pending legislation on employer-sponsored retirement plans.
Speakers include:
- Lindy Beldyga, partner, assurance
- Michael Krucker, partner, employee benefits consulting