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White Paper

Private equity exit planning: Five key strategies to unlock maximum value

February 6, 2019 / 15 min read

Preparation is key to a strong and successful private equity exit. Discover these five critical strategies to mitigate surprises, accelerate closing, and ensure maximum return.

You’ve spent years getting your portfolio company into shape — streamlining processes, rationalizing financials, upgrading systems, finding the right talent. Perhaps you’ve made some add-on acquisitions to strengthen the company’s position in the marketplace. Now, it’s time to find a new owner to shepherd the company through its next phase of growth and get the best return on your hard work and investment dollars.

Exit planning strategies

Preparation is key to a strong and successful private equity exit, but there’s a lot to consider. As competitive pressures on private equity continue to grow, success still comes down to investment returns. This executive-level guidebook highlights five strategies private equity firms should consider to mitigate surprises, accelerate closing, and ensure maximum investment returns:

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