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Federal Reserve releases new Excel-based tool to aid with CECL implementation

July 15, 2021 / 1 min read

Released July 15, 2021, the Federal Reserve’s new tool, nicknamed “SCALE,” could provide an additional option to aid smaller community institutions that have yet to adopt CECL.

Called the “Scaled CECL Allowance for Losses Estimator,” or “SCALE” for short, this Excel-based tool is intended to aid institutions with assets under $1 billion in estimating reserves under CECL. The method presented in this tool draws on publicly available call report data as a starting point and will require institution-specific adjustments to arrive at a reserve. The tool is available on the Federal Reserve’s CECL Resource Center website.

SCALE is expected to simplify the process of adopting CECL for community institutions. The regulators provided additional insight on the tool during an Ask the Fed webinar on July 15, 2021. Areas of discussion included the following:

A replay of the webinar is available here.

For further insight into how to adopt this tool for your organization to begin discussions on a pre-implementation model validation, contact our team today.

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