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Teach a man to fish, & feed him for a lifetime

October 31, 2011 / 2 min read

When I was in high school, I took a civics and government class taught by Mr. Charles Dickleman. I learned a lot about government that year—in fact, my future focus on the government industry at Plante Moran is largely due to my experiences in that class—but when I think back on his class, it’s not the academics I remember. Mr. Dickleman taught me to always be prepared, never to take myself too seriously, and that hard work and fun can go hand in hand. Above all, however, he taught me to be an optimist. “People don’t follow pessimists,” he cautioned me, and he was right. That lesson in particular has come in handy over the past few years interacting with clients and staff amidst a struggling economy.

When I came to Plante Moran, I was fortunate to learn from a number of great mentors:

You’ve probably heard the Chinese proverb, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Thanks to these great men and others, I have enough fish for several lifetimes. That’s the thing about mentoring—it’s better to have more than one, as it’s the multiple points of view that really help and shape you.

What about you? Who was your favorite elementary, high school, or college teacher? What mentors have you been fortunate to have in your life, and how have they affected you? And because of these teachers/mentors, do you feel better positioned to mentor others?

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