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This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for stewardship

November 24, 2014 / 1 min read

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with Vince Selasky, a staff member who, over nearly 20 years at Plante Moran, has progressed from working in our facilities department to managing our webinars and video needs as part of the firm’s marketing department. We were talking about his upcoming Plante Moran-niversary, and I asked him, “Why did you choose to spend 20 years of your career here?”

His answer blew me away. He said, “Because most mornings when I pull into the parking lot, I feel like my name is on the building right next to ‘Plante’ and ‘Moran.’” He went on to say that he feels a sense of ownership in the firm, that it feels good to know that he’s personally contributed to our successes. He talked about the state of the firm 20 years ago—when we were roughly a third of our current size—and how impressed, but not surprised, he is at our growth. Finally, I asked him if he thought our culture was the same as it had been all those years ago. He paused, considered my question, and responded, “Absolutely. In fact, it might even be better.”

I often talk about stewardship, defined as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” I believe we’re all stewards of Plante Moran and our clients, our culture, our communities, and each other. We work hard to instill a sense of responsibility, of ownership, in all of our staff. Hearing Vince say that, in his mind, he worked at “Plante Moran Selasky,” was wonderful. That is, after all, our goal—for each staff member to see a little of himself or herself in what we accomplish.

As I look toward Thanksgiving and reflect on what I’m thankful for this year, I think, of course, of my family and friends. I also think of the 2,000+ stewards we have at Plante Moran who are working in tandem with me and the rest of our partners to ensure our clients’ and our firm’s continued success. Thank you, Plante Moran staff. Here’s to the continued stewardship of our clients and our fine firm.

What about you? What are you grateful for this year? Do you have an inspirational story to share?

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