Employee support can make or break your ERP implementation project. For a successful implementation, your ERP goals must be two-fold: Deliver the required business solution, and carefully manage the impact of change on your workforce. It's easier than you might think. Proven strategies can help you plan for the people-side of any ERP project and master the change management process.
What's inside?
Download your copy of "Organizational change management and ERP: Best practices for a successful implementation" to learn smart strategies for managing the people-side of the ERP change management process. Inside, Plante Moran experts share their insights and ideas on:
- Generating enthusiasm and buy-in among your workforce for a successful ERP implementation
- Incentives, recognition, and rewards
- Keeping your finger on the pulse throughout the change management process
- How to communicate so employees will listen
- Effective approaches to ERP training and education
- How to achieve and close out a successful implementation