Our clients say their experience with Plante Moran goes beyond a professional transaction. It’s a personal experience where you can be confident we’re looking out for you, no matter your size, your location, or what goals you’ve set.
Over the last year, we’ve been working on developing a new website that reflects that experience — something that captures what it’s like to work with us. I’m excited to tell you that the new plantemoran.com is live, and it’s every bit as engaging and informative as we’d hoped it would be.
We’ve partnered with some of the best minds in web development to design a site that offers visitors a digital experience that’s reflective of our holistic approach to serving clients. From integration of all of our affiliates into one digital home, to relevant content at every turn, and a new, personal approach to bios, we’re taking clients and prospects right where they want to be.
As you scroll through the site, you’ll find our firm story, interesting case studies, and a variety of articles, podcasts, and webinars on timely business issues. And, of course, you’ll find information on the services we provide and the industries we provide them to. Keep in mind, as our world and business environment continue to change, so will the content on our site.
So, head over to the new plantemoran.com, and let us know what you think!