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Software replacement plans canceled? Optimize your existing enterprise system

May 6, 2020 / 4 min read

If you can no longer afford a new ERP system, what’s your next best option? Finding ways to work with what you have. Consider these 12 ideas to optimize your current system to drive efficiency across your organization.

While there’s a significant amount of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, one fact seems certain. State and local governments, K-12, higher education, and other public sector agencies will likely see their revenue or funding negatively impacted this upcoming year. The financial shortfalls stem from decreases to property taxes, income taxes, student enrollment, various state and federal sources, fees for service, or other revenue streams. As a result, organizations are pulling out their budget-balancing playbooks from the Great Recession to find the best ways to sustain operations with their available resources. One item that should be in that playbook — making sure your ERP system is providing maximum value to your organization.

Sure, a new ERP system would be nice to have — you may even have been planning for it — but if your project funding has been negatively impacted, you may instead, want to consider optimizing the legacy solution you have now. When you harness its untapped potential, you can deliver substantial benefits to your organization while avoiding the cost and time of selecting and implementing a new system.

When you harness its untapped potential, you can deliver substantial benefits to your organization while avoiding the cost and time of selecting and implementing a new system.

You know that ERP systems are complex. To re-energize a software solution already in production, you’ll need to explore the many dimensions of how your team interacts with that system. Focus on these 12 areas to improve your ERP efforts:

Your organization’s software solution is only as good as the service that you receive when you’re having an issue.

Newer isn’t always better.

The old adage, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” may apply to your prior software investment, especially now that capital budgets are more constrained than ever. It’s not too late to improve your situation while achieving your original objectives. The time has come to reassess and refocus your efforts, realign your investment with your organization’s strategic goals, and recommit to optimizing your existing software solution. Our dedicated public sector team has helped countless organizations assess, select, implement, and optimize their enterprise software solutions. Our focus on public sector processes and best practices will help guide you through these uncertain times.

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